College Committees

Committees support the work of Council. Committees include elected and public members of Council, and kinesiologists who are not on Council.

Statutory committees

The Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA) requires the College to have in place the following committees:

The Executive Committee has all of the powers of Council between Council meetings with respect to any matter that requires immediate attention. Executive Committee cannot make, amend, or revoke a regulation or a by-law.


  • Jennifer Pereira- College President
  • Mary Pat Moore- College Vice-President
  • Leslee Brown
  • Elwin Lau
  • Ben Matthie

The Registration Committee is responsible for developing and maintaining registration processes and resolution mechanisms of issues arising from applications for registration. The Committee reviews and assesses applications that are referred to it by the registrar, or referred back to it by the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board. The Committee recommends to Council policies and procedures to ensure fair and transparent registration processes.


  • Ryan Wight- Committee Chair
  • Elwin Lau- Committee Vice-Chair
  • Teresa Bendo
  • Jaclyn Benn (non-Council committee member)
  • Faith Delos-Reyes (non-Council committee member)
  • Sara Gottlieb
  • Alyssa King (non-Council committee member)
  • Mary Pat Moore
  • Victoria Nicholson
  • Graydon Raymer
  • Katie St. Denis
  • Richard Wotherspoon (non-Council committee member)
  • Holly Wykes (non-Council committee member)

The Quality Assurance Committee develops and maintains programs and policies that ensure kinesiologists maintain their knowledge and skills.


  • Graydon Raymer- Chair
  • Denis Beaulac (non-Council committee member)
  • Teresa Bendo
  • Leslee Brown
  • Derek DeBono
  • Mardy Frazer (non-Council committee member)
  • Victoria Nicholson
  • Alicia Oliveira (non-Council committee member)
  • Jennifer Pereira
  • Andrea Scrivener (non-Council committee member)
  • Shindujan Yogaratnam (non-Council committee member)

The Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (ICRC) reviews concerns about a kinesiologist that are brought to the College's attention. These concerns can be in the form of complaints and/or mandatory reports.  


  • Elwin Lau- Chair
  • Chad McCleave- Vice-Chair
  • Teresa Bendo
  • Leslee Brown
  • Alex Burnaru (non-Council committee member)
  • Douglas Freer (non-Council committee member)
  • Susan Garfat (non-Council committee member)
  • Ben Matthie
  • Francesca McKenzie (non-Council committee member)
  • Leanne Smith (non-Council committee member)
  • Ryan Wight
  • Michelle Young (non-Council committee member)

The Discipline Committee considers allegations of professional misconduct or incompetence that are referred by the ICRC for a hearing. 

Chair: Mary Pat Moore
All Council members are members of the Discipline Committee and panels of the Committee are appointed by the chair to conduct a hearing.
Non-Council committee members: Denis Beaulac, Pamela Paquette, Richard Wotherspoon, Michelle Young

The Fitness to Practise Committee holds hearings to determine if a kinesiologist is physically or mentally incapacitated. 

Chair: Jennifer Pereira
All Council members are members of the Fitness to Practise Committee and panels of the Committee are appointed by the chair to conduct a hearing.

The Patient Relations Committee is responsible for developing, implementing and administering the Patient Relations Program. The program includes measures for preventing or dealing with the sexual abuse of patients/clients, including educational requirements for kinesiologists; guidelines for the conduct of kinesiologists with their patients/clients; training for the College’s staff; and providing information to the public. The Patient Relations Committee also administers the funding for therapy for sexual abuse victims.


  • Teresa Bendo- Chair
  • Derek DeBono
  • Alisha Gleiser (non-Council committee member)
  • Ben Matthie
  • Mary Pat Moore
  • Stefanie Moser
  • Graydon Raymer
  • Leanne Smith (non-Council committee member)
  • Ryan Wight

Non-statutory committees

Committees that support the work of the College but that are not required under the RHPA are called non-statutory committees. The College has created the following non-statutory committees:

The Planning and Finance Committee provides guidance and advice to ensure the College's financial stability.

  • Chad McCleave- Chair
  • Stefanie Moser
  • Jennifer Pereira
  • Katie St Denis

The Examination Committee is responsible for managing the entry-to-practice exam. This Committee is made up of kinesiologists and academic representatives.  

The Item Writing Committee is responsible for developing exam questions. This Committee is made up of kinesiologists and academic representatives.

The Examination Appeals Committee is responsible for hearing appeals from candidates who fail the entry-to-practice exam.


  • Stefanie Moser - Chair
  • Derek DeBono
  • Chad McCleave
  • Victoria Nicholson

The CKO-Universities Liaison Committee serves as a forum for discussion between the College and academic institutions. Members of this Committee are drawn from the various universities and colleges offering kinesiology or similar programs.