Summary- June 2016 Council Meeting

In-camera meeting

Council went in-camera to discuss the results of its self-evaluation and the Registrar’s evaluation. 

Audited financial statements and annual report

Talia Rubin from the accounting firm Crowe Soberman presented the College’s audited financial statements. Council accepted the statements and approved them for publication. College President Lynn Kabaroff presented the 2015/2016 annual report, which Council also approved for publication.  

Registration Committee report

Lori-Anne Beckford, Chair of the Registration Committee, provided an update on the Committee’s work. Stamatis Kefalianos, Director of Registration, provided an update on the College’s membership numbers now that the grandparenting period ended. 

First quarter financial report and Business Plan update

Nancy Leris, Director of Operations and Financial Services, reported on the College’s revenues and expenses for the first quarter. Brenda Kritzer, Registrar and CEO, reviewed the College’s Business Plan for 2016/2017 and described activities undertaken in the first quarter. 

Communications update

Council received a presentation from Fifth Story, a vendor the College has worked previously with on public awareness initiatives. They presented on the changing communications landscape. Ryan Pestana, Communications Officer, presented the results of a recently launched public awareness campaign and highlighted key communications plans for the remainder of the year. 

President’s report/Executive Committee report

Lynn Kabaroff reported that Executive Committee met on May 12, 2016. One item that they reviewed was the publication of Council meeting materials to the College website. Executive Committee’s recommendation to Council was that the College begin posting Council meeting materials. Council agreed, and decided that human resource information, property information, legal advice and proprietary business intelligence would be excluded. The College will post all other meeting materials, beginning with its September 2016 meeting.

Committee updates

Council received an update on the work of the following committees:

• Quality Assurance 
• Inquiries, Complaints and Reports
• Patient Relations

Transparency update

Cara Moroney, Director of Professional Conduct, reported that the transparency by-law changes that Council approved throughout 2015 take effect July 1, 2016. This means that any complaints or registrar’s investigations received/initiated after this date will be subject to the changes. This will also include the posting of any criminal charges or convictions and bail restrictions.

Appointments to committees

Council re-appointed the Quality Assurance Committee’s member-at-large. Council also re-appointed two members and one new member to the Examination Committee. 

Specialties consultation report

Brenda Kritzer reported the results of the specialties consultation that occurred from January- April. Over 100 responses were received online and six written submissions were made. She reported that the College would review the feedback and conduct further research into the matter of specialties. 

Clinic regulation update

Council reviewed the draft submission from the clinic regulation working group to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. The submission brings awareness of the gap in public protection that exists in unregulated clinics, discusses alternative solutions and calls on the Ministry to take action to address the gap. Council approved the submission of the report to the Ministry. 

Registrar’s report

Brenda Kritzer reported that:

• The College began accepting nominations for election to Council in May and provided an update on the results of the nomination. 
• She was re-elected to the Federation of Health Regulatory Colleges of Ontario’s (FHRCO) Executive Committee as Treasurer. She also presented FHRCO’s 2015/2016 highlights
• Another meeting was held with the College, the Association of Registered Kinesiologists of Ontario, and the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities to discuss the Masters of Professional Kinesiology that were being launched at some Ontario universities.

Brenda Kritzer ended the meeting by acknowledging the contributions of Lynn Kabaroff, Robert Ross and Kathie Sharkey, who would not be seeking re-election this year.