Prevention of Sexual Abuse e-learning module launching

On May 1, the College will launch the Prevention of Sexual Abuse e-Learning Module. In 2017, the Ontario government passed Bill 87, the Protecting Patients Act, which brought in several changes to how colleges deal with matters of sexual abuse.

This module will help explain how to establish and maintain appropriate boundaries, how to recognize the warning signs of inappropriate boundaries, what to do if boundary violations occur, and obligations to file mandatory reports. The final chapter will test your knowledge through a series of multiple choice questions based on practice-related situations.

All kinesiologists registered in the General Class will be required to complete this module by July 31st. The module may be completed individually or with a group. You can list completion of the module as an activity in your individual learning plan. By completing this module, you will better understand how legislative changes impact professional obligations in the area of sexual abuse of patients, which increases the public’s confidence in the kinesiology profession.

Further instructions will be emailed to you on May 1. If you have any questions, please contact Lara Thacker via email or at (416) 961-7000 ext. 103.