Completing your Self-Assessment? Help is only a phone call or email away!
Hello, my name is Lily Seto and l joined the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario team in November 2018. One of my main roles is to support you to comply with your professional obligations within the Quality Assurance Program. This includes helping you with the e-Learning modules, Peer and Practice Assessment and the annual submission of your Self-Assessment.  
Your 2018 Self-Assessment is due on March 1, 2019 so likely you have this on your list of things to do. Let me help you.  I am available to assist and answer any questions you may have.   Based on the questions from members I have already responded to, I offer four pieces of advice that will help you avoid four common mistakes. 

Section IV: Foundational Knowledge 
When you complete this section, please note that are two separate fields; one is the knowledge for each competency and the other is the “Desire to Improve” which is associated with each level of competency. For example, if you check off only the “Desire to Improve” for that competency you have not answered the question properly, so hence you need to go back and select the overall knowledge that applies to you (Foundational, Applied, Advanced, and Leader).

Section V: Professional Practice (Clinical and Mixed Practice) 
All boxes must be checked and sometimes this means ensuring you have checked the not-applicable box. For example, the question that relates to Clinical or Mixed Practice, if you are in neither and work in a non-clinical environment you must select the Not-Applicable Box and it will automatically jump to the next section which is the Non- clinical practice.

Section VII: Evaluation of Previous Learning Goals Summary has more goals then I remember setting (more than three). 
When you get to Section VII: Evaluation of Previous Learning Goals Summary, you will see your 2017 Self-Assessment Goals that you created. Completion of the reflective portion of the Self-Assessment, namely Sections III to IV, causes goals to be automatically generated depending on the boxes you check for this section. If you did not delete the unwanted goals in the previous year (2017), you will see them. Only evaluate the goals you intended to set. Ignore all others. Be sure not to carry forward this mistake in 2018.

Section VIII: Individual Learning Plan
Areas in which you identified a “Desire to Improve” in section III through VI were automatically populated in your Individual Learning Plan. There is a minimum of three learning goals and one activity for each goal. Please ensure that you have only selected goals you wish to focus on in the coming year and delete any learning goals in this section that you do not want; otherwise they will appear in next year’s Evaluation of Previous Learning Goals Summary.
Please note the progress indicator on the left navigation bar as you complete your sections of the 2018 Self-Assessment. It is a useful tool to guide you as you work through the sections. Any areas not completed properly will be indicated in white and successfully completed areas will be indicated in purple.

If you have other questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 416 961 7000 ext. 108 or by email at [email protected]