Election FAQs

As a Council member, you will participate in discussion and decision-making that affects your profession, but decisions must be made in the public interest. While you are elected by kinesiologists, you are required to put the interests of the public ahead of the interests of the profession. You will be expected to review meeting materials and come prepared to discuss and consider the various matters before Council.

Committees support the work of the College and you will be asked to sit on at least two committees. All Council members are automatically part of the Discipline and Fitness to Practise committees. Learn more about committees. Committee selection occurs at the first Council meeting following the election.

Absolutely! Councils are effective because of diverse representation. You will be working with other kinesiologists and public representatives, and decisions are made by the group. Council members receive training on their roles, responsibilities and the College’s mandate. You will learn more about self-regulation, legislation and governance. Council meetings are not just business meetings, and opportunities for personal and professional development are provided throughout your term.

Council meets at least four times a year for at least one full day. Council meetings are typically in-person meetings.

You are expected to sit on at least two committees. Committees usually meet every six-eight weeks depending on the caseload, or only when necessary.
Council and committee dates are set well in advance as much as possible to help you plan. Council and committee materials are provided to you at least one week before the meeting to give you time to review the materials.

Council members receive a per diem of $150 for each meeting attended (Council and committee meetings, including teleconferences). Preparation time is paid and the College reimburses all reasonable travel, meal and accommodation expenses related to attending a meeting.

The first meeting will be in mid-September. You will be notified of the exact date when your nomination is confirmed in June.