Council Elections

About elections

The College is run by a Council, similar to a board of directors. Council sets the College's overall direction and ensures that the College is protecting the public. 

Council is made up of:

  • Ten kinesiologists elected by their peers for three year terms, one of whom must be a member of an Ontario university’s faculty or department of kinesiology, and
  • At least six and no more than eight public members appointed by the Ontario government to provide the public's point of view.

While kinesiologists are elected by their peers, they do not represent them. Once elected or appointed, all Council members are required to put the interests of the public ahead of the interests of the profession.

Determining your electoral district

There are seven electoral districts for the purpose of Council elections. Your electoral district is determined by where you primarily work. If you are not working, your electoral district is determined by where you live. View the electoral districts

Election dates

Elections are held every July. The schedule is as follows:

  • in 2020 and three years after, Districts 2 and 3, and one member from District 4.
  • in 2021 and three years after, one member in Districts 4 and 5 and District 6.

Running for election

To run for election, you:

  • must be registered in good standing;
  • cannot have been an employee, officer or director of any professional association or certifying body in the healthcare or health-related field for one year before submitting your nomination;
  • must run in the district in which you are eligible to vote; 
  • (District 7 only) must also be employed full-time at a faculty or department of kinesiology at an Ontario university.

View the full eligibility requirements.

Process for submitting nominations and voting

If you are in a district that is up for election, you will receive an email at the beginning of May notifying you of the upcoming election. This email will also contain instructions on how to submit nominations. Nominations must be submitted online. The College accepts nominations for about three weeks, and the names of candidates eligible for election are announced in late June. In mid-July and if you are eligible to vote, you will receive an email that contains your ballot. To be eligible to vote, you must have paid all outstanding fees.

The full election process can be found in section 10 of the College By-Laws.