Summary- December 2019 Council meeting

Council training
Rebecca Durcan, from the firm Steinecke Maciura LeBlanc and the College’s legal counsel, attended to provide training to Council on their roles and fiduciary duties. She discussed Council’s duties around maintaining confidentiality, declaring conflict of interest and making decisions in the public interest. Rebecca also highlighted Harry Cayton’s 2018 report examining the College of Dental Surgeons of British Columbia.

Review of College By-Laws 
Jennifer Pereira, the College’s President, reviewed portions of the College’s By-Laws around duties of Council and committee members. Council members and staff were reminded to sign the confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement annually, and Council members were asked to complete a conflict of interest declaration form. 

Committee reports
Council received reports from the Registration, Quality Assurance, and Inquiries, Complaints and Reports committees. Council also received a first quarter financial report and dashboard. Council members asked questions on each of the reports. 

Draft audited financial statements
Talia Rubin from the accounting firm Crowe Soberman provided an overview of the College’s draft audited financial statements. The financial statements were not approved due to outstanding financial matters. 

Draft 2018/2019 Annual Report
Ryan Pestana, the College’s Communications Manager, presented the draft 2018/2019 Annual Report. The College must prepare and present an annual report to the Minister of Health each year. Council approved the annual report for submission and posting to the College website. 

President’s report
Jennifer Pereira reported on the following:

• Preparation for the annual CKO-Universities Liaison Committee meeting
• Her attendance at the Canadian Network of Agencies for Regulation (CNAR) conference
• Training held for all committee chairs on November 25

College Performance Management Framework
Thomas Custers from the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care attended the meeting to present on the Ministry’s proposed College Performance Management Framework. The Ministry developed this document with a working group composed of various colleges and their council members. The purpose of the framework is to allow colleges to measure their performance against certain standards. The Ministry plans to have the document finalized by the end of January 2020. 

Policy amendments
Lara Thacker, the College’s Director of Quality Assurance, presented proposed changes to the Self-Assessment (SA) General Requirements Policy and the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Prescribed Learning Modules Policy. The changes to the SA Policy would see the self-assessment moved to a biennial submission frequency, while the changes to the CDP Policy would strengthen compliance requirements for completion of prescribed learning modules. Council approved both policy changes. 

Development of Patient/Client-Centred Care Guideline 
Lara Thacker presented a briefing note on the development of a Patient/Client-Centred Care Guideline. In its new strategic plan, the College committed to developing resources and a definition of patient/client-centred care in the context of kinesiology. This guideline was a first step. Council approved the development of this guideline. 

Review cycle for standards and guidelines
Eric Bruce, the College’s Director of Professional Conduct, informed Council that the College was preparing a schedule for the review of all of the College’s standards and guidelines. Eric noted that all departments will be involved in the revision of the standards and guidelines, and the College would seek feedback on any proposed revisions. 

Election of Executive Committee and vice-president
The terms of all publicly appointed Council members expired in 2019, and the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care made appointments throughout the fall. Some publicly appointed members were not re-appointed, which resulted in vacancies on the Executive Committee. Mary Pat Moore and Leslee Brown were elected to the Executive Committee by acclamation. Mary Pat was also elected Vice-President by acclamation.

Approval of committee membership
Given the changes in public appointments, Council updated the composition of committees. View the full committee membership.